in your language

The international childcare platform with verified nannies und babysitters

Find native-speaking
nannies you can trust

Our multilingual, hand-picked nannies deliver an enriching childcare experience for your children.

Become a Native Nanny and
find your next childcare job

If you speak several languages, you are skilled, and are looking for a childcare job in Germany, we would love to have you on board!

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Get started
in 3 easy steps​

It’s quick and easy to register
and start looking right away.

Advantages of
being multilingual

There are many advantages to being multilingual. If you have decided to raise a child bilingually or multilingually, they will benefit in many ways.

Tips for finding and choosing
reliable international childcare

Finding international childcare, eg an English-speaking babysitter or an Italian-speaking nanny, can be an exciting but challenging experience. Here are some helpful tips for finding a reliable and caring childminder.
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